J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 669-676.

• Basic Optics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

M2 factor of flattened radial Gaussian laser beam array in turbulent atmosphere

QU Jun, FEI Jin-cheng, YUAN Yang-sheng, SHI Jian-ping, CUI Zhi-feng   

  1. Department of Physics, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China
  • Published:2010-11-28 Online:2010-11-19


The beam nature of the flattened radial Gaussian laser beam array in a turbulent atmosphere is investigated based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel integral and the Wigner distribution function for turbulence conditions. Analytical propagation formula for the propagation factor ( factor) are derived and numerical examples are illustrated. The results show that  the propagation factor of the flattened radial laser beam array beams in turbulent atmosphere increases when propagation distance and turbulent constant increase and beams width decreases. The propagation factor of the flattened radial laser beam array does not change at first, then it decreases, and it is invariant in the end when the flattened radial laser beam array’s orders are fixed and its numbers increase. The propagation factor of the flattened radial laser beam array  does not change, then it decreases, maintains a fixed value finally when the flattened radial laser beam array  numbers are fixed and its orders increase. The propagation factor is unchanged as the flattened radial laser beam array are propagating in free space.

Key words: 大气光学, 传输质量因子, 拓展Huygens–Fresnel原理, Wigner分布函数的二阶矩, 圆形平顶高斯光束阵列

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