J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 693-699.

• Laser Tech. and Devices • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Incoherent backscattering of random medium

FU Fang-zheng , LI Ming   

  1. Department of Physics, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China
  • Published:2010-11-28 Online:2010-11-19


Two kinds of scatterings are discussed and the corresponding distribution functions are deduced . The spatial distribution of incoherent backscattering and reflectivity are deduced by simulating the process of stochastic photon movement in random medium using the Monte Carlo method. The results show that different scattering have different reflectivity and spatial distribution of incoherent backscatter. As the angle of incidence increasing, the reflectivity of incoherent backscattering increases. Reflectivity of incoherent backscattering decreases as the absorption coefficient of random medium increasing. By measuring the reflectivity of incoherent backscattering, we can get first the absorption coefficient and then the probability that photon is absorbed by particle each time scattering. Reflectivity of incoherent backscattering decreases as the mean free path of photon increasing .The mean free path can be gotten by measuring the reflectivity of incoherent backscattering , it is easier than testing coherent backscattering to get the mean free path. Lastly, the effect of backscattering on random laser is discussed.

Key words: laser physics, incoherent backscattering, Monte Carlo method, random medium

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