J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 722-726.

• Nonlinear Optics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Temperature characteristics of Manakov photovoltaic solitons based on two-photon photorefractive effect

SU Yan-Li, JIANG Qi-Chang, JI XUAN-Mang   

  1. Department of Physics and Electronics Engineering, Yuncheng University, Yuncheng 044000, China
  • Received:2010-02-01 Revised:2010-03-05 Published:2010-11-28 Online:2010-11-19


Temperature characteristics of Manakov photovoltaic solitons in two-photon photovoltaic photorefractive crystal were investigated by numerical methods. The results show that the peak intensities and the full width of half maximum (FWHM) of two components of the bright-bright, dark-dark and bright-dark Manakov photovoltaic solitons are related to temperature. When the temperature of crystal increases, the peak intensities of two components of the bright-bright Manakov photovoltaic soiltons will decrease and the full width of half maximum of two components  increase. The dark-dark and bright-dark Manakov photovoltaic solitons have the same temperature characteristics as the bright-bright Manakov photovoltaic solitons. Moreover, two components of the Manakov solitons will evolve into stable solitary waves by overcoming the less perturbation in a certain range of temperature.

Key words: nonlinear optics, temperature characteristics, two-photon photorefractive effect, Manakov photovoltaic soiltons

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