J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 450-454.

• Quantum Optics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Controlled information transmission of multi-dimensional quantum superdense coding

JIANG Zhong-sheng,lV Hong-jun, XIE Guang-jun   

  1. Hefei University of Technology Electronic Science and Applied Physics, Hefei 230009, China
  • Received:2012-06-26 Revised:2012-08-21 Published:2013-07-28 Online:2013-07-06

Abstract: In the process of transferring quantum information,it is repuired to reduce the number of particles as the quantum channel and maximize the transmission of information ,while we also must ensure the safety and the control of the transmission procession .we propose a scheme of Multi-dimensional quantum superdense coding controlled transmission of information .At first ,Alice and Bob should make a standard for information that would be encoded , then Alice do unitary transformation to particles ,Bob measure the received particles and know the information that Alice wants to transfer according to the information of Charlie sentting. This kind of information transmission requires less transform particles, so it is easier to accomplish.There is a controller to control the transmission process for the safty.

Key words: quantum optics, multi-dimensional quantum superdense coding, unitary operation, quantum entangtement, quantum information

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