J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 650-654.

• Spectrascopy • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Correction of spatial heterodyne spectroscopy interferogram

FANG Fang, HU Zhen-hua, GU Xue-jun, FANG Li   

  1. Laboratory of Environmental Spectroscopy, AnHui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei 230031, China
  • Received:2010-01-05 Revised:2010-03-24 Published:2010-11-28 Online:2010-11-19


Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS) is a new spectroscopic technique. Based on the basic concept and characteristics of spatial heterodyne spectrometer, we presented an interferogram correcting method for the signal from both interferometer arms is not identical. The interferograms from unequal arms interferometer were calculated and corrected by use of the presented method, and the corrected interferogram is very close to the ideal SHS interferogram. The main idea is to measure the nonmodulated term (the signal intensity of each arm) of the interferogram and introduced a correcting factor in the interferogram data processing. The spectral inversion accuracy of spatial heterodyne spectrometer can be effectively improved by correcting the interferogram aberration caused by unequal interferometer arms.

Key words: spectroscopy, spatial heterodyne spectrometer, interferogram, unequal interferometer arms

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